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Dongfeng 8×8 All-wheel Drive Chassis Off The Production Line

Views: 241     Author: Lore     Publish Time: 2024-05-15      Origin: Site

During the Spring Festival a user from abroad contacted us,Said he needed to purchase a vehicle that can drive in the forest

Transportation of timber under the design of our technicians.We made this 8*8 off-road chassis.

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In addition to off-road capabilities

The rear modification space

reaches 8 meters.

After the modification is completed

Cargo capacity is also very outstanding

We are looking forward to the completed chassis modification look

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The chassis

Adopts Cummins 450 horsepower engine.

Time-sharing eight-wheel drive

The total weight can reach 30 tons

And it has the function of wheel-side deceleration

It is a very suitable chassis for off-road

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Hubei Off-Road Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 6, Huimin Road, Maojian District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China
Tel: 86-719-8888190 Tel: 86-18986895008 / 86-18986890909
Copyright © 2021 Hubei Off-road Special Vehicle Co., Ltd. Record certificate number:Hubei ICP No. 20010516-3